Zhu Zhixin

Chu Chih-hsin (12 October 1885-21 September 1920), anti-Manchu revolutionary and protege of Sun Yat-sen, was active as a T'ung-meng-hui propagandist and as an organizer of anti- Manchu uprisings in Kwangtung. He later helped to organize resistance to Yuan Shih-k'ai. A leading figure in developing and popularizing Sun Yat-sen's political and social ideas, he founded the […]

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Zhang Renjie

Chang Jen-chieh 張人傑 T. Ching-chiang Chang Jen-chieh (19 September 1877-3 September 1950), businessman and goverment official, was an early supporter of Sun Yat-sen and a patron of Chiang Kai-shek. He was one of the "four elder statesmen of the Kuomintang" and served as governor of Chekiang province and as director of the National Reconstruction Commission […]

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Zhu Jiahua

Chu Chia-hua (30 May 1893-3 January 1963), held office in the National Government as minister of education (1932-33; 1944-48), minister of communications (1932-35), and vice president of the Examination Yuan (1941-44). From 1939 to May 1944 he headed the organization department of the Kuomintang. He also served as secretary general (1936-38) and acting president (1940-58) […]

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Zhou Fohai

Chou Fo-hai 周佛海 Chou Fo-hai (1897-February 1948), helped to establish the Chinese Communist party, but resigned from it in 1924. He became the most widely read theoretical writer of the Kuomintang and served Chiang Kai-shek for many years, eventually becoming acting director of the Kuomintang department of propaganda. He also edited the New Life Monthly […]

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Zhang Mojun

Chang Mo-chun (4 October 1883-30 January 1965), feminist, educator, and poet, was the first principal of the Shen-chou Girls School, principal of the Kiangsu First Girls Normal School, and was a member of the Central Supervisory Committee of the Kuomintang and of the Legislative and Executive yuans in China and in Taiwan. Born into a […]

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Zhang Ji

Chang Chi 張繼 T. P'u-ch'uan 溥泉 Chang Chi (31 August 1882-1 5 December 1947), political figure, an anti-Manchu revolutionary and editor of the Min-pao who became an elder statesman of the Kuomintang and one of the few northern Chinese to achieve prominence in that party. He was a leading member of the right-wing Western Hills […]

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Yu Youren

Yu Yu-jen (11 April 1879-10 November 1964), scholar, T'ung-meng-hui revolutionary, poet, journalist, army commander, government official, and calligrapher. He first gained prominence as the editor of such anti-Manchu newspapers as the Alin-li pao. From 1930 until his death in 1964 he was president of the Control Yuan. Sanyuan, Shensi, was the birthplace of Yü Yu-jen. […]

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Ye Jianying

Yeh Chien-ying (1898- ), Chinese Communist general who served as chief of staff of the Communist military forces during and after the Sino-Japanese war. During the American mediation effort in 1946, he was chief Communist delegate at the Executive Headquarters in Peiping. From late 1949 until mid- 1954 he was based at Canton, and he […]

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Xu Qian

Hsü Ch'ien (26 June 1871-26 September 1940), scholar and legal expert who helped reform the judicial system (1907) and who became one of the most prominent leaders in the Wuhan regime (1926-27). Although his native place was Shehsien, Anhwei, Hsü Ch'ien was born in Nanchang, Kiangsi. He had one brother, Hsü Sun (T. Feng-jen). His […]

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Luo Jialun

Lo Chia-lun (1896-), one of the principal leaders of the May Fourth Movement while a student at Peking University. He later was president of Tsinghua (1928-31) and National Central (1932-41) universities, and he served the National Government as Sinkiang supervisory commissioner and as ambassador to India (1946-49). Although his native place was Shaohsing, Chekiang, Lo […]

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