Song Qingling

Soong Ch'ing-ling (1892-), was the wife of Sun Yat-sen. She was active in social welfare work, and after 1949 she held a variety of posts in the People's Republic of China. The second daughter of Charles Jones Soong (q.v.), Soong Ch'ing-ling was born in Shanghai. Like her elder sister, Soong Ai-ling, she received her early […]

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Liao Zhongkai

Liao Chung-k'ai (1878-20 August 1925), Kuomintang financial administrator and chief architect of the Kuomintang-Communist alliance that resulted in the reorganization of the party along Leninist lines. At the time of his assassination in 1925 he held such posts as minister of finance, governor and financial commissioner of Kwangtung, head of the Kuomintang workers department, and […]

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Jiang Kanghu

Chiang K'ang-hu Orig. Chiang Shao-ch'üan Alt. Kiang Kang-hu Chiang K'ang-hu (18 July 1883-?), scholar, teacher, and propagandist of various reform causes. He founded the first Chinese socialist party in 1912, but later became more conservative. His ineffectual political career was broken by a scandal concerning restoration of the Manchu empire, and Chiang later took part […]

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Gu Weijun

Ku Wei-chun (1887-), known as V. K. Wellington Koo, distinguished diplomat who made significant contributions to the formation and early years of the League of Nations and the United Nations and who also represented China as ambassador to France, Great Britain, and the United States. From 1957 to 1967 he served on the International Court […]

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Chen Gongbo

Ch'en Kung-po 陳公博 Ch'en Kung-po (19 October 1892 ? - 3 June 1946), one of the earliest Communists in China, broke with that party in 1922 and became identified with the left wing of the Kuomintang. After 1926 his career was closely associated with that of Wang Ching-wei, as a member of the "reorganization faction" […]

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Sun Zhongshan

Sun Yat-sen 孫逸仙 Orig. Sun Wen 孫文 T. Ti-hsiang 帝象 H. Jih-hsin 日新 I-hsien 逸仙 Chung-shan 中山 Alias. Nakayama Sho (Chinese: Chungshan Ch'iao) 中山樵 Sun Yat-sen (12 November 1866-12 March 1925), leader of the republican revolution and of the Kuomintang. The village of Ts'uiheng (Choyhung) in Hsiangshan hsien, Kwangtung, situated near the coast some 30 […]

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Mao Zedong

Mao Tse-tung 毛澤東 T. Jun-chih 潤之 Mao Tse-tung (26 December 1893-), leader of the Chinese Communist party and founder of the People's Republic of China. Shaoshan, Hsiangt'an hsien, Hunan, was the birthplace of Mao Tse-tung. This agriculturally productive and culturally advanced section of Hunan produced two of the outstanding scholargenerals of the late Ch'ing period, […]

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