Zhan Dabei

Chan Ta-pei 詹大悲 T. Chih-ts'un 質存 Chan Ta-pei (1888-1927) was a prominent anti-Manchu revolutionary in Hupeh, a constant supporter of Sun Yat-sen, an equally constant foe of Yuan Shih-k'ai, and a Kuomintang official. In 1927 he was associated with the left wing of the Kuomintang at Wuhan. He was executed as a Communist partisan. A […]

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Wu Peifu

Wu P'ei-fu 吳佩孚 T. Tzu-yü 子玉 Wu P'ei-fu (22 April 1874-4 December 1939), warlord and leader of the Chihli military faction who became the dominant military leader in north China in 1922. Although his control of the Peking government was broken by Feng Yü-hsiang in 1924, he continued to dominate the Honan-Hupeh-Hunan area until 1926, […]

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Sun Chuanfang

Sun Ch'uan-fang (1884-13 November 1935), Peiyang warlord who won control of Kiangsu, Chekiang, Kiangsi, Anhwei, and Fukien in the mid-1920's. It was only with the collapse of his power in 1927 that the success of the Northern Expedition became a certainty. Sun was assassinated in 1935. A native of Linch'eng hsien, Shantung, Sun Ch'uan-fang grew […]

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Qian Dajun

Ch'ien Ta-chün (26 July 1893-), military officer, organized and trained many units of the National Revolutionary Army. He was an official of the Whampoa Military Academy and dean of the Wuhan branch of the Central Military Academy. He was an aide to Chiang Kai-shek and later chief of his bodyguard. In 1942-43 he served as […]

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Jiang Zuobin

Chiang Tso-pin (1884-24 December 1942), a Hupeh military man and Peking government official who became the Chinese minister to Germany and Austria in 1928. From 1931 to 1936 he served as Chinese minister to Japan. Yingch'eng hsien in Hupeh province was the native place of Chiang Tso-pin. He received his early education in the traditional […]

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He Chengjun

Ho Ch'eng-chün (20 June 1882-7 May 1961), was a military officer and protege of Huang Hsing who became a leading intermediary in negotiations with independent generals and among competing factions in the Kuomintang. He held such posts as governor of Hupeh (1929-32; 1937-38), director of the Generalissimo's Wuhan headquarters, and director general of the courts-martial […]

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Feng Guozhang

Feng Kuo-chang (7 January 1859-28 December 1919), one of the most powerful officers of Yuan Shih-k'ai's Feiyang military clique, was military governor of Chihh (1912-13) and Kiangsu (1913-17). After Yuan died, he became vice president (1916-17) and acting president (191718) of the Peking government. He was the leader of the Chihli clique, which opposed the […]

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Cao Kun

Ts'ao K'un (12 December 1862-17 May 1938), Peiyang general who served as governor of Chihli (Hopei) in 1916 and inspecting commissioner of Chihli, Shantung, and Honan in 1920. With Wu P'ei-fu's support, he headed the Chihli clique in 1920-23. Ts'ao held the presidency at Peking from October 1923 to November 1924. The third son born […]

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