Jiang Kanghu

Chiang K'ang-hu Orig. Chiang Shao-ch'üan Alt. Kiang Kang-hu Chiang K'ang-hu (18 July 1883-?), scholar, teacher, and propagandist of various reform causes. He founded the first Chinese socialist party in 1912, but later became more conservative. His ineffectual political career was broken by a scandal concerning restoration of the Manchu empire, and Chiang later took part […]

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Chen Shuren

Ch'en Shu-jen 陳樹人 Ch'en Shu-jen (1883 - 4 October 1948), anti- Manchu revolutionary, served Sun Yat-sen and his cause as director of party affairs in Canada and the United States (1916-22). In 1923 he became director of the general affairs department of the Kuomintang. He held various posts in the Kwangtung provincial government until 1927. […]

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Chen Jiongming

Ch'en Chiung-ming 陳炯明 Ch'en Chiung-ming (13 January 1878 - 22 September 1933) was an anti-Manchu revolutionary who became an early republican governor of Kwangtung. After Yuan Shih-k'ai deposed him in 1913, he participated in the anti-Yuan campaigns and then headed the forces of Sun Yatsen's constitution protection movement. In October 1920 he occupied Canton, and […]

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