Huang Fu

Huang Fu (8 March 1880-6 December 1936), government official, was a friend and adviser of Chiang Kai-shek and Feng Yü-hsiang. In the early 1920's he held such posts in Peking as acting foreign minister and minister of education. From 3 to 24 November 1924 he functioned as premier, president, and minister of interior. He served […]

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Feng Guozhang

Feng Kuo-chang (7 January 1859-28 December 1919), one of the most powerful officers of Yuan Shih-k'ai's Feiyang military clique, was military governor of Chihh (1912-13) and Kiangsu (1913-17). After Yuan died, he became vice president (1916-17) and acting president (191718) of the Peking government. He was the leader of the Chihli clique, which opposed the […]

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Duan Qirui

Tuan Ch'i-jui 段祺瑞 T. Chih-ch'üan 芝泉 H. Cheng-tao lao-jen 正道老人 Tuan Ch'i-jui (6 March 1865-2 November 1936), Peiyang military leader and head of the Anhwei clique. He served at Peking as minister of war (1912-14), premier (April-June 1916; June 1916-May 1917; July-November 1917; March-October 1918), and as provisional chief executive at Peking from November 1924 […]

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Chen Lu

Ch'en Lu 陳籙 Tcheng Loh Ch'en Lu (24 April 1876 - 19 February 1939) was known as the chief Chinese negotiator of the 1915 Treaty of Kiakhta, which defined the international status of Outer Mongolia. From 1915 to 1917 he was Chinese high commissioner at Urga (Ulan Bator). From 1920 to 1927 he was Chinese […]

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Chen Jiongming

Ch'en Chiung-ming 陳炯明 Ch'en Chiung-ming (13 January 1878 - 22 September 1933) was an anti-Manchu revolutionary who became an early republican governor of Kwangtung. After Yuan Shih-k'ai deposed him in 1913, he participated in the anti-Yuan campaigns and then headed the forces of Sun Yatsen's constitution protection movement. In October 1920 he occupied Canton, and […]

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Cao Kun

Ts'ao K'un (12 December 1862-17 May 1938), Peiyang general who served as governor of Chihli (Hopei) in 1916 and inspecting commissioner of Chihli, Shantung, and Honan in 1920. With Wu P'ei-fu's support, he headed the Chihli clique in 1920-23. Ts'ao held the presidency at Peking from October 1923 to November 1924. The third son born […]

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