Yan Xishan

Yen Hsi-shan 閻錫山 T. Pai-ch'uan 百川 Yen Hsi-shan (1883- 24 May 1960), Shansi warlord and one of the outstanding political strategists of the republican period. In 1930 he joined with Feng Yü-hsiang (q.v.) in an unsuccessful northern coalition against Chiang Kai-shek. During the Sino-Japanese war, he served as commander in chief of the Second War […]

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Tang Enbo

T'ang En-po (20 September 1899-29 June 1954), staff officer in the National Revolutionary Army who served during the Sino-Japanese war in such capacities as commander of the Thirty-first Army Group and deputy commander of the First War Area. In 1945 he supervised the Nationalist takeover of Shanghai and the repatriation of Japanese troops and civilians. […]

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Ulanfu (1903-), Tumet Mongol who joined the Chinese Communist party in 1927 and rose to become its principal representative in Inner Mongolia. In the 1950's and early 1960's he dominated party, government, and military structures in that region. Ulanfu became a target ofcriticism during the so-called Cultural Revolution and was removed from his posts in […]

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Wan Fulin

Wan Fu-lin (1880-July 1951), was a Manchurian military commander who served as military governor of Heilungkiang from 1929-31. He commanded the Fifty-third Army from 1932 to 1938, when he was charged with dereliction of duty. In 1941 he became a member of the Military Affairs Commission. The Nungan district of Kirin province was the native […]

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Nie Rongzhen

Nieh Jung-chen (1899-), marshal of the People's Republic of China. After serving as commander of the Shansi-Chahar-Hopei military district during the Sino-Japanese war, he became acting chief of staff (1950) and vice chairman (1954) of the People's Revolutionary Military Council. He was made chairman of the Scientific Planning Commission in 1957 and director of the […]

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Ji Chaoding

Chi Ch'ao-ting (12 October 1903-9 August 1963), noted as an expert in economics, particularly in currency, banking, and international trade. He was converted to Communism while a student in the United States and took part in radical activities. In 1940 he became secretary general of the Currency Stabilization Board, serving under K. P. Ch'en. He […]

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He Long

Ho Lung 賀龍 T. Yun-ch'ing 雲卿 Ho Lung (11 March 1896-), Hunanese military leader who, with Yeh T'ing (q.v.) staged the Nanchang uprising of 1 August 1927. He helped build the Chinese Communist military establishment in the 1930's and 1940's. After 1949 he served the Central People's Government in such posts as commander of the […]

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Demchukdonggrub (1902-), MongoUan prince of the West Sunid Banner, was known in China as Te Wang. He led the movement to secure autonomy for Inner MongoHa. The son of a jassak [prince] of the West Sunid Banner of Mongoha, Te Wang was born in the territory of the Sihngol League in Inner MongoUa. He was […]

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Chen Wenkuan

Ch'en Wen-k'uan 陳文寬 W. X % West. Moon F. Chin Ch'en Wen-k'uan (13 April 19 13-), known as Moon F. Chin, aviator, helped to chart the socalled Hump route to India, and he made a trial flight from Sinkiang to India through the valleys of the Karakoram range. During the Sino-Japanese war he flew Chiang […]

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Chen Cheng

Chen, Eugene 陳誠 Ch'en Ch'eng Ch'en Ch'eng (4 January 1897 - 5 March 1965), a senior Nationalist general and second in command to Chiang Kai-shek in both the Kuomintang and the National Government. He was governor of Taiwan in 1949 when the Nationalists evacuated from the mainland. In 1954, Ch'en was elected vice president of […]

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