Lo Chia-lun (1896-), one of the principal leaders of the May Fourth Movement while a student at Peking University. He later was president of Tsinghua (1928-31) and National Central (1932-41) universities, and he served the National Government as Sinkiang supervisory commissioner and as ambassador to India (1946-49).
Although his native place was Shaohsing, Chekiang, Lo Chia-lun was born in Kiangsi, where his father, Lo Ch'uan-chen, was serving as a district magistrate. When he was only three sui, his mother began to teach him to read and write. Two years later, his father introduced him to poetry. Lo's mother died in 1904, leaving him and his four sisters to be brought up by their father. After the repubhc was estabUshed in 1912, Lo was sent to Shanghai for a modern education, and he enrolled at the Fu-tan School (Fu-tan Kung-hsueh). His exposure to new ideas and publications in Shanghai led him to begin writing essays for the school magazine.
In the summer of 1917 Lo Chia-lun passed the Peking University entrance examinations held at Shanghai ; he matriculated that autumn, choosing foreign languages and literature as his major. Among his fellow students were Fu Ssu-nien and Tuan Hsi-p'eng (qq.v.). Lo and Fu often called on Hu Shih (q.v.), who was a leader of the movement to replace the classical written language with pai-hua [the vernacular]. After holding a number of discussions with Hu, who was teaching at Peking University, they decided to found a magazine. The inaugural issue of Hsin-ch'ao [new tide] appeared on 1 January 1919, with ten articles by Fu and three by Lo. Its three guiding principles were: a critical spirit, scientific thinking, and reformed rhetoric. By this time, Lo had become a frequent contributor to the Tung-fang tsa-chih {Eastern Miscellany), and his translation of one of Ibsen's plays had appeared in the Hsin ch'ing-nien {New Youth).
At the end of April 1919 Peking received the news that the Paris Peace Conference planned to accede to Japanese demands for the special rights formerly held by the Germans in Shantung. Peking University students responded by holding a meeting on the evening of 3 May; they decided to plan a demonstration for the following day. Lo Chia-lun was one of twenty students who were selected to contact students at other institutions and mobilize them for the demonstration. On 4 May, representatives of the various student groups met and prepared statements to be presented to foreign officials. The students assembled early in the afternoon and, despite the attempts of police and ministry of education officials to dissuade them, began their march. At the entrance to the Legation Quarter they were stopped by military and police officials. Because they could not proceed, they sent three representatives, one of whom was Lo Chia-lun, to call on the British, American, French, and Italian legations. It was a Sunday, and the ministers were not in, but members of their staffs received the student representatives. After delivering their written statements, Lo and his fellow representatives hurried to rejoin the other students, only to discover that the demonstrators had grown impatient and had gone to the home of the pro-Japanese official Ts'ao Ju-lin (q.v.) . They then had proceeded to wreck Ts'ao's home, thereby coming into conflict with the military and the police. The indignation of people throughout China was roused by the arrest of a number of the students. Thus, what had begun as a student demonstration developed into a national patriotic movement. Lo Chia-lun continued to play a leading role in the movement. Under his pen name, Yi, he wrote in the Mei-chou p'ing-lun [weekly critic] of 26 May 1919 an important article, "The Spirit of the May Fourth Movement." For the first time, the term "May Fourth Movement" appeared in print, and it immediately was adopted as the official designation of the movement. Lo pointed out that the events of 4 May had revealed the spirit ofsacrifice among Chinese students, the spirit of social sanction, and the spirit of national self-determination. Later, in the May 1920 issue o^ Hsin-cliao, Lo published a review of the movement entitled "The Successes and Failures of the Student Movement in the Past Year and Our Future Policy." This article, which advocated academic research to channel the movement properly and efforts to promote the welfare of the masses, gained wide circulation when it was reprinted in the Shanghai Shun pao.
In the autumn of 1920 Lo Chia-lun went to the United States, where he studied history and philosophy at Princeton University and Columbia University. He spent 1922 in England, studying at the University of London, and then spent two years in Germany at Berlin University. In 1925 he went to France and enrolled at the University of Paris. After returning to China in the summer of 1926, Lo Chia-lun accepted a teaching position at Tung-nan (Southeastern) University. Soon afterwards, he joined the staff of Chiang Kaishek and became chairman of the editorial committee of Chiang's military headquarters, which then was engaged in launching the Northern Expedition. In August 1927, when the Kuomintang established the Chung-yang tang-wu hsueh-hsiao (Central Party Affairs Institute) in Nanking, Lo became the deputy director of studies, serving under Tai Chi-t'ao (q.v.). He became a member and head of the education office of the newly established war area political affairs commission in March 1928, and in this capacity he traveled northward with the Northern Expedition forces. After the May Third Incident at Tsinan, Lo and Hsiung Shih-hui (q.v.) were dispatched on 9 May for negotiations with the Japanese, but the Japanese commander rejected them as envoys. On 17 August 1928, the Northern Expedition having ended, Lo Chia-lun was appointed president of Tsinghua University. Because Tsinghua had been a college until the National Government had decided to transform it into a university in 1925, Lo was faced with such tasks as helping to formulate regulations for the university. After assuming office on 1 8 September, he announced the end of the old system of sending all graduates to the United States for further study and introduced a system of open examinations for the selection of a few outstanding students to study in the United States. He helped organize the colleges and departments of the university, admitted women for the first time, undertook a building program, appointed new professors, enlarged the library, caused the jurisdiction of the university to be transferred from the ministry of foreign affairs to the ministry of education, and had the funds of the university transferred from the ministry of foreign affairs to the China Foundation for the Promotion of Education and Culture. However, after the Peiping area came under the control of Yen Hsi-shan (q.v.) in May 1930, Lo's detractors among the Tsinghua alumni began a campaign to expel him from the presidency. On 23 May, Lo resigned and left Peiping. He decided to devote more of his time to research and accepted an appointment as professor of history at Wuhan University. In March 1931 his "Significance and Method of the Study of Modern Chinese History" was published in the Wuhan University Social Science Quarterly. In the meantime, Chiang Kaishek had demanded that Lo either return to Tsinghua or go to Nanking. On 31 January 1931 Lo assumed office as dean of the Central Political School (formerly the Central Party Affairs Institute) at Nanking. He immediately announced his intention to convert the school into a four-year college.
In June 1932 Tuan Hsi-p'eng, the vice minister of education, was appointed acting president of National Central University in Nanking. This university had lacked a president for some time because of student opposition. When Tuan tried„ to assume office, the students assaulted him. The Executive Yuan then ordered the dissolution of the university, and the ministry of education took charge of the problem in early July. Lo Chia-lun was appointed to the committee charged with reorganizing the university, and he was appointed president of National Central University in August. After the students had been subjected to a screening process, the university resumed classes in October. Lo's measures to restore stability to the university w^ere successful. In 1933, at the behest of the National Government, National Central University organized a military aviation department, which began classes in the autumn of 1934 with 28 students. Another new department, water conservation engineering, was added in 1935. During this period, Lo improved the equipment, courses, and personnel of the university. In 1936 he decided to expand the university and selected a site for the new campus, but the outbreak of the Sino-Japanese war forced him to abandon this project. The removal of the university to Chungking was ordered in August 1937, and Lo received permission to use funds that had been allocated to the new Nanking campus for the construction of university buildings in the Chungking area. Classes resumed at Chengtu medical and dental) and Chungking in October and November 1937.
Lo continued to develop National Central University until September 1941, when he resigned from the presidency. In October, he was appointed head of the Yunnan-Kweichow inspection mission. Its task was to precede the expeditionary force that was being sent to Burma and to allay the fears of such provincial authorities as Lung Yün (q.v.), the governor of Yunnan, about the purpose of the expedition. Lo's efforts met with success, and he returned to Chungking in December.
Throughout 1942 Lo refused all appointments because his aged father was ill. On 1 jVIarch 1943 he was named Sinkiang supervisory commissioner and head of the northwest investigation mission. The following day, his father died in Kweiyang. After attending to the funeral arrangements, Lo returned to Chungking to prepare for the assumption of his new duties. He left Chungking in June and visited Shensi, Kansu, Ninghsia, and Tsinghai before reaching Urumchi in Augifst. In September, on orders from the National Government, Lo accompanied Sheng Shih-ts'ai (q.v.), the governor of Sinkiang, to Chungking. He rejoined his colleagues at Lanchow in October, and they explored the upper reaches of the Yellow River. In November, they visited Tsinghai, where Lo composed the "Song of Tsinghai" for Ma Pu-fang fq.v.), the governor. The mission then retired to Tienshui, where it produced a 14-volume report in two months. At the end of March 1944 Lo and his colleagues returned to Chungking. Lo continued to serve as Sinkiang supervisory commissioner until January 1945, when he resigned because of a disagreement with Chang Chih-chung and Burhan fqq.v.) over the solution of the rebel problem in the Hi area.
After the War in the Pacific ended, Lo Chia-lun was appointed in October 1945 to a Chinese government mission that toured the battlefields of Burma, India, the Persian Gulf area, and the Mediterranean. He then went to London and took part in the UNESCO preparatory conference. He returned to Chungking in March 1946, by way of the United States, Hawaü, Guam, and the Philippines. After the National Government returned to Nanking, he became vice chairman, under Chang Chi (q.v.), of the Kuomintang's party history compilation committee.
In February 1947 Lo Chia-lun was appointed ambassador to India. Because India had not yet achieved independence, he presented his credentials to the British viceroy. Although his relations with the Indian leaders were cordial, Lo was not particularly successful in India because of the deterioration of China into civil war and the thorny issue of Tibet. Negotiations for a Sino-Indian treaty of commerce and trade failed because the Indian government refused to take a clear stand on the matter of Tibet. Moreover, Indian maps did not recognize any part of Tibet as being Chinese territory, and when the Tibetan authorities ordered Chinese representatives in Tibet to leave in July 1949, India supported and helped the Tibetans to achieve this end. Lo finally announced the National Government's recall of its representatives in India after the Indian government recognized the Central People's Government of the People's Republic of China on 30 December 1949. He left New Delhi early in 1950 and went to Taiwan.
In Taipei, Lo Chia-lun succeeded Chang Chi as chairman of the Kuomintang party history compilation committee. In 1952-54 he was vice president of the Examination Yuan, and in 1953 he became editor of the Ke-ming wen-hsien, a multi-volume collection of documents from Kuomintang and Academia Historica archives. He wrote Liu-shih-nien chih Chüng-kuo Kuo-mintang yü Chung-kuo [the Kuomintang and China in the last sixty years], which was published in 1954. A revised version entitled Ch' i-shih-nien chih Chung-kuo Kuo-min-tangyü Chung-kuo appeared in 1 964. Lo served as chief editor of the Kuo-fu nien-p'u [chronology of the life of Sun Yat-sen]. In 1958 he was appointed president of the Academia Historica. Lo Chia-lun was also known as a poet who wrote in both traditional and modern styles and as a calligrapher. Lo Chia-lun married Djang Wei-djen ( 1898-) in November 1927; they had two daughters, Jiu-fong and Jiu-hwa.
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