Ye Ting

Yeh T'ing 葉挺 Orig. Yeh Hsi-p'ing 葉西平 T. Hsi-i 希夷 Yeh T'ing (1897-8 April 1946), Communist military commander who led the Independent Regiment attached to the Fourth Army on the Northern Expedition in 1926 and, with Ho Lung (q.v.), directed the Nanchang uprising of 1 August 1927. He commanded the New Fourth Army from 1938 […]

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Yu Hanmou

Yü Han-mou (1891-), Kwangtung Army commander and subordinate of Ch'en Chi-t'ang (q.v.) whose defection to the National Government in 1936 contributed to the avoidance of civil war between Canton and Nanking. In 1948 he served briefly as commander in chief of the Chinese land forces. Little is known about Yü Han-mou's family background or early […]

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Qian Dajun

Ch'ien Ta-chün (26 July 1893-), military officer, organized and trained many units of the National Revolutionary Army. He was an official of the Whampoa Military Academy and dean of the Wuhan branch of the Central Military Academy. He was an aide to Chiang Kai-shek and later chief of his bodyguard. In 1942-43 he served as […]

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Peng Pai

P'eng P'ai (22 October 1896-30 August 1929), the first Chinese Communist leader to organize peasants for political purposes and the founder of the short-lived Hai-lu-feng soviet. He was executed by the Nationalists at Shanghai. Born into a well-to-do landlord family in Haifeng (Hoifung), Kwangtung, P'eng P'ai received a traditional primary education in the Chinese classics. […]

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Guo Moruo

Kuo Mo-jo 郭沫若 Orig. Kuo K'ai-chen 郭開貞 Pen. Ting-t'ang 鼎堂 Shih-t'o 石沱 Tu K'an 杜衎 Mai-k'o Ang 麥克昂 I K'an Jen 易坎人 Kuo Mo-jo (October 1892-), poet, playwright, novelist, essayist, translator, historian, paleographer, Creation Society leader, and Chinese Communist propagandist. After 1949 this versatile intellectual served the People's Republic of China as chairman of the […]

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Chen Cheng

Chen, Eugene 陳誠 Ch'en Ch'eng Ch'en Ch'eng (4 January 1897 - 5 March 1965), a senior Nationalist general and second in command to Chiang Kai-shek in both the Kuomintang and the National Government. He was governor of Taiwan in 1949 when the Nationalists evacuated from the mainland. In 1954, Ch'en was elected vice president of […]

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Chen Jitang

Ch'en Chi-t'ang 陳濟棠 Ch'en Chi-t'ang (1890 - 3 November 1954), Cantonese military officer, became commander of the Fourth Army in 1928 and chief commander in Kwangtung in 1929. He was best known for helping create a state of nearautonomy at Canton as part of a movement against rule by Chiang Kai-shek, and he controlled Kwangtung […]

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