Ge Gongzhen

Ko Kung-chen (16 October 1890-22 October 1935), editor of the Shanghai newspapers Shih-pao and Shun-pao and historian ofjournalism. Tungt'ai, Kiangsu, a small town near Shanghai, was the birthplace of Ko Kung-chen. He received a primary education in the Chinese classics at a clan school which had been established by his great-aunt. At the age of […]

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Du Yuesheng

Tu Yueh-sheng (22 August 1888-16 August 1951), Shanghai secret society leader, banker, industrialist, philanthropist, and social celebrity who also was known for his personal contributions to the Nationalist war effort during the Sino-Japanese war. The village of Kaochiao on the southern bank of the Whangpoo across from Shanghai was the birthplace of Tu Yueh-sheng. He […]

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