Tang Shaoyi

T'ang Shao-yi (1860-30 September 1938), long-time associate of Yuan Shih-k'ai who became the Chinese republic's first premier in 1912. He broke with Yuan in June 1912 and later allied himself with Sun Yat-sen. After Sun's death, T'ang lent support to various movements within the Kuomintang which opposed the growing authority of Chiang Kaishek. T'ang was […]

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Gu Hongming

Ku Hung-ming (1857-30 April 1928), European-educated scholar and long-time subordinate of Chang Chih-tung who was known as a trenchant critic of the Westernization of China and a staunch defender of traditional Confucian values. The ancestors of Ku Hung-ming had come from T'ungan, Fukien, near Amoy. However, his family had resided for generations before his birth […]

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