Zhang Ertian

Chang Erh-t'ien (17 March 1874-15 February 1945), traditional scholar and university professor, was noted for his historical studies, including his contributions to the Ch'ing-shih kao, the provisional history of the Ch'ing dynasty published in 1928, and his studies of Mongol history. A native of Ch'ient'ang, Chekiang, Chang Erh-t'ien came from a prominent family which had […]

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Su Xuelin

Su Hsueh-lin (189 7-), poet, novelist, and shortstory writer. She also was noted for her scholarly studies of T'ang poetry and comparative mythology. Little is known about Su Hsueh-lin's family background or early life except that she was born in Taiping, Anhwei, and that she had three brothers and a sister. She received her early […]

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