Jian Youwen

Chien Yu-wen (8 February 1896-), Protestant minister and scholar, is best known for his studies of the Taiping Rebellion. Little is known of Chien Yu-wen's childhood, but he was born in Canton. After completing his early schooling, he went to the United States for advanced education. He attended Oberlin College and received his B.A. in […]

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Chen Jitang

Ch'en Chi-t'ang 陳濟棠 Ch'en Chi-t'ang (1890 - 3 November 1954), Cantonese military officer, became commander of the Fourth Army in 1928 and chief commander in Kwangtung in 1929. He was best known for helping create a state of nearautonomy at Canton as part of a movement against rule by Chiang Kai-shek, and he controlled Kwangtung […]

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